Barbecued pork with fried moodles
Quick-fried pork with scallions
Beef balls with mixed sauce
Baked chicken with mixed sauce
Barbecued pork fried rice
Boiled noodles with fried soy bean paste with king prawn and pork
Braised deep-fried pork in brown sauce
Chaozhiqiao Orange Fruit(stir-fried with bran) Fructus Aurantii
Chaozhishi Immature Orange Fruit(stir-fried with bran) Fructus Aurantii Immaturus
Chaozisuzi Perilla Fruit(stir-fried with bran) Fructus Perillae
Deep-fried pork croquette
Deep-fried pork cutlet with vegetable
Deep-fried pork duck liver
Fried bean curd with mixed meat in brown sauce